About the directory
Composition of directory
How to access directory
Summary of editorial services
Directory of editorial services
Part I: A - D
Part II: E - M
Part III: N - Q
Part IV: R - Z
Part V:  Copy-editing style manual
Part VI:  Publishing process chart
Explanatory notes on services
Services price list
About the directory
The A-Z directory of services includes full details of all MNE-AESOP editorial services and, where an editorial standard or style is not specified by a client, our suggested approaches to the editorial process. The directory consists of:
- an A-Z listing of our services and
- the MNE-AESOP copy-editing style manual
- explanatory notes
The directory comprises:
- traditional paper-based book publishing services, e.g.
- ancillary and supplementary services, e.g.
- electronic and web-related services, e.g.
- commissioned texts based on briefs, ideas or tie-ins, e.g.
How to access the directory
select a service from the Summary of editorial services
select a service from the List of editorial services
scroll through the A-Z Directory of editorial services
select any key term in the Index of editorial services
refer to our style in the Copy-editing style manual
refer to explanatory notes on prices for individual services
Summary of editorial services
Please note: the following is a simplified list of our main editorial services. For a more detailed list of editorial sub-functions, click here for the index of MNE's editorial services
- Abridgement
- Americanization
- Anglicization
- Bibliographies and reference lists
- Biography of author
- Copywriting
- Drafts
- Editing
- Editing on disk
- Glossaries
- Indexing
- Metrication
- Non-fiction writing
- Novels, novelizations, fiction
- Paste-ups and camera-ready copy (crc)
- Permissions
- Pictures (illustrations)
- Proofreading
- Reports
- Research
- Reviews
- Rewriting
- Synopses
- Theses/dissertations
- Writing texts
Directory of editorial services
- abridgement
- acceptance of editorial proposal by publisher
- accuracy, copy-editing to establish
- acknowledgements
- advice, editorial
- agents
- Americanization
- analysis, editorial
- Anglicization
- articles
- ASCII files
- bibliographies and reference lists
- biography of author (short)
- blurbs, book jacket
- books
- briefs, creating texts from
- briefs for picture research
- camera-ready copy (crc)
- captions, illustration
- catalogue copy
- CD-ROM preparation
- clarity of expression, copy-editing for
- codes, embedded wordprocessor
- coding on disk
- collation
- contacting publishers with editorial proposal
- contract between publisher and author
- contractual delivery of manuscript to publisher
- copy-editing
- copyright material
- copywriting
- costing (estimating publishing viability)
- crc (camera-ready copy)
- creation of text
- criticism and editorial advice/analysis
- cross-references
- cutting and pruning text
- decision to publish
- definitions in glossaries
- delivery
- disk editing
- dissertations
- drafts
- editing
- editing on disk
- editorial advice
- editorial assistance
- editorial development
- editorial process
- editorial project
- editorial proposal to publisher
- editorial queries
- editorial reports
- editorial revision
- editorial training
- embedded wordprocessor codes
- expenses
- extra editorial work
- fact-checking
- fiction
- figures (illustrations)
- files, text
- film tie-ins
- flagging references in the text
- further reading lists
- galley proofs
- ghostwrites
- glossaries
- grammar, correcting
- handover of edited manuscript to publisher or author
- html
- ideas, creating texts from
- illustrations
- indexes
- indexing
- interest of publisher in proposal
- key terms
- layout for web page, faxing
- legal problems generating editorial queries
- libel
- manuscripts (typescripts)
- maps
- metrication
- misquotes
- MNE's role: editorial not agential
- non-fiction
- novels and novelization
- obscurity, textual
- page proofs
- pagination of cross-references
- pagination of index
- paste-ups
- permissions (to quote or use copyrighted material)
- pictures and other illustrative material
- plagiarism
- plates
- pornography
- postage of typescripts
- prelims
- press releases
- production editing
- proofreading
- pruning of text
- publication of book
- publicity for book
- publishers
- queries
- racist literature
- reduction to word count
- references, lists of
- rejection of manuscript by publisher
- rekeying (retyping)
- repagination of index
- reports
- requests for permission
- research
- rethinking a proposal
- reviews
- rewriting
- sales and marketing
- scanning
- screenplays
- screenshots
- scripts
- sexism
- slimming down text
- solicited manuscripts (typescripts)
- spelling, copy-editing of
- structural editing
- style:
- style manual, MNE's
- stylesheets
- synopses
- tables
- tagging
- text creation
- theses
- tie-ins
- tracking cross references
- translations
- TV tie-ins
- typescripts (manuscripts)
- UK style
- unsolicited manuscripts
- US style
- verification of data
- vocabulary
- web page creation
- web screenshots
- word count, revising text to fit
- wordprocessors
- writing texts